Custom Development Not Needed

Custom Development Not Needed

Did you know that the ProcessMaker 4 packages are really just subprocesses with a pretty UI?

It’s true!

We use ProcessMaker 4 to build ProcessMaker 4. If you are adding custom functionality a sub process is the way to go! It is testable, maintainable and overall a way we can support it going forward.

If you add functionality via the coding option, you’ll need to maintain this custom code, and as we’ve seen, can quickly become difficult to maintain, especially with a customer who is not paying for maintenance. This problem could arise from PM4 or, as we’ve seen in the latest PHP upgrades, PHP itself can break your code.

In summary, you better have a really good reason to do custom coding. That includes support, maintenance and testing that goes along with it.

If there is functionality that you absolutely need that the product does not provide, open a ticket Github!

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