8 Insurance Workflows to Automate


In a great insurance workflow, effective documentation management is an invaluable gateway to better efficiency and lower operations costs. Intelligent automation technologies are becoming the ideal key to unlock these improvements. 

As Deloitte highlights, AI-enabled automation can slash time spent on documentation up to 80%. These savings not only cut costs internally but sculpt the industry-leading experience your customers are craving.

With digital transformation evolving beyond an optional operations boost into a competitive necessity, customer satisfaction will rely on how well your daily tasks run. Whether going paperless or distilling the redundancy out of team collaboration, many insurance companies are gaining customer loyalty by automating their workflows.

1. Online Insurance Applications

Problem: Customers struggle to move from inquiry to quote to the proposal as quickly as possible — largely due to manual tasks within your insurance team.

Hours of manual printing, scanning, and emailing paper documents between departments and customers plague workflows across the industry. Human mistakes often congest this process even further.

Solution: Blending digital-first document tools — like optical character recognition (OCR) and electronic signatures — with your automation platform allows customers to start and resume paperless applications anytime from any device.

Paperless applications allow you to track progress, gather signatures, and extract customer data directly into your backend systems. Most importantly, this comes without any of the human copy-paste mistakes or omitted forms and fields that slow down proposal creation — potentially improving to a fourth of pre-automation times.

2. Medical Benefits Administration Compliance

Problem: Compliance requires that many gears and parties align to ensure medical benefits are administered properly.

Not only do requests need to be documented in a timely and accurate fashion, but records need to be easily retrievable for audits.

Solution: By digitizing paperwork and automating each medical benefits insurance workflow, patients and healthcare providers get their requests routed to the right people for speedy approvals.

From reimbursements and beyond, receipts and other necessary paperwork are audit-ready when you’re using clean, searchable paperless storage.

3. Property & Casualty Claims

Problem: Friction within claims touchpoints — internal and customer-facing — often stems from manual paperwork and back-and-forth attempts to resolve errors.

For instance, an incomplete field leads to a resubmission request and leaves your team juggling emails with near-identical duplicate paperwork.

Solution: Paper-free automation gives teams and policyholders transparent consistency at every point of the claims journey.

Leveraging an automated client portal that guides a policyholder step-by-step opens the door to quicker claims processing and a better customer experience.

4. Medical Claims Processing

Problem: Medical claims are especially slowed by inefficient staff collaboration.

Information needs to flow in a centralized, visible way for an effective insurance workflow. However, it’s not uncommon for insurers to manually gather info in silos — often leaving teams dense with redundant info that’s already in other departments.

Solution: By automating communication between policyholders, healthcare providers, and internal staff, your teams can free their focus and time for the more involved parts of the claims process.

Successful automation can also keep data tidy to reduce time spent communicating for compliance tasks.

5. Home & Auto Insurance Underwriting

Problem: Underwriting home and auto policies is just one among many repetitive activities that fill staff workloads. From quotes to renewals, human efforts should be focused on tasks that require a more analytical lens.

Solution: Automation can utilize AI-assisted rules to offload the routine onto bots.

For example, the rules can guide the routine decision-making that goes into your typical underwriting workflow. Machine learning can then absorb the nuances and pivot your human team towards more time and energy saved. Even with bots pulling most of the work, your staff can still jump in when needed.

6. Customer Onboarding

Problem: Many communication roadblocks in the insurance application process extend into the wider scope of customer onboarding.

Without the open sharing of customer info across departments, each team’s insurance workflow becomes redundant and siloed. In addition, manual follow-ups and data re-entry are prone to human error and other oversights. 

Solution: Going digital and centralizing communication through your automation platform creates a more visible, manageable customer journey. 

As a result, your team can ensure any delays, omissions, or mistakes are met with prompt bot-driven email follow-ups with less need for human check-ins. All the previously lost time can be redirected to fielding deeper concerns and cementing loyal customer relationships.

7. Customer Service

Problem: Serving existing policyholders the right services at the right time requires better awareness of customer needs.

Unfortunately, many traditional data insights lack the awareness of policyholders’ continuously shifting needs to serve them proactively. Additionally, human service representatives already have jam-packed queues that aren’t prepared for the labor of additional customer outreach.

Solution: Many companies are finding that AI chatbots integrate learning customer needs and interacting with them in a single cost-conscious solution. 

Leveraging customer relationship management (CRM) databases with AI learning can personalize each policyholder’s experience. Whether serving up repetitive FAQ replies or proactively giving relevant offers, these tools save your team’s time and energy for human-ideal tasks.

8. Group Quote Marketing

Problem: Personalizing the insurance workflow helps immensely in creating custom group quote marketing as well.

Normally, tracking and measuring trends in past customer requests lacks the visibility needed for teams to accurately reshape marketing campaigns.

Solution: Abandoning paper data in favor of automated digital analytics offers a better understanding of customer segments.

With easier tracking, marketing insights are adaptive to the current market demands. Ultimately, your team can sculpt solutions that balance internal risk with policy aspects desired by various groups.

Improving the insurance workflow with democratized automation

Ideally, automating with an intelligent low-code automation platform gives your organization the ability to:

  • Digitize your daily operations.
  • Deploy automation tech easily — even for non-technical staff.
  • Analyze customer trends for better policy design.
  • Orchestrate departments with central hubs of data collection and communication.

Ultimately, the effort to improve internal resilience and morale — alongside a better customer experience — is much closer via a holistic approach offered with automation.

With ProcessMaker, Insurers can rapidly design campaigns for specific customer segments and channels and dynamically determine the most relevant offer, specific treatment, best time and the best channel to interact.

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