Blog: Business Process Management (BPM) All Categories Artificial intelligence Business Process Automation (BPA) Business Process Management (BPM) Hyperautomation Intelligent Automation Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Process Intelligence Process Mapping Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Workflow Automation Business Process Automation (BPA) Why Your Process Modeling Software Should be BPMN 2.0 Compliant This article focuses on BPMN Software, read our complete BPMN 2.0 Tutorial and Examples or Understanding BPMN Diagrams and Symbols for a more indepth look into BPMN 2.0 What is BPMN? Business... Business Process Automation (BPA) How Can Low-Code BPM Software Speed Up the ROI for Your Enterprise? Business process management (BPM) is a highly useful strategy to streamline your organization's workflows. Automating business processes using BPM software can make you more efficient and productive.... Business Process Automation (BPA) Data Subject Access Requests: How to Make Compliance Easier with Process Automation The transition to a digital economy has made it possible for businesses to collect an extraordinary amount of personal information quickly. Many organizations store this data, mining it as needed to... Business Process Automation (BPA) Challenges Implementing BPM Blockchain And How to Address Them In our previous blog post, we discussed how embracing blockchain workflow automation can improve your business processes. By using blockchain in automation and creating an auditable trail of... Business Process Management (BPM) Using Business Process Management to Optimize Engineering Change Order Processes There is a long list of variables that must be tracked in engineering change processes. The key to managing all of these variables is to properly manage the processes that control them. Business... Business Process Management (BPM) Optimizing the Customer Service Process with BPM Software In a digital economy, very few organizations can compete on price. The most critical factor in differentiating a company and ensuring repeat business is customer experience. Researchers at Forrester... Business Process Management (BPM) Defining Processes: Applications for Work and Everyday Life At ProcessMaker, and the BPM industry as a whole, we are living process automation. Every day, our team is constantly thinking about business process solutions in a variety of industries and how to... Business Process Management (BPM) 5 Signs that the BPM Software Model is Broken The BPM software industry and the BPM Software selling model is broken and in need of change. Here are 5 reasons that the BPM industry is ripe for reinvention: 50 Billion Connected Devices –... Business Process Automation (BPA) Top 5 Signs Your Organization Needs a BPM and Workflow Management System Do you have the feeling that you never know the status of processes and workflows in your business? Do you wish you had greater control and visibility on all those pesky paperwork or excel related... Business Process Management (BPM) BPM Tool Comparison: Cloud-Ready Workflow Management Software Compared Cloud-ready BPM software isn’t one-size-fits-all. It should complement your business, goals, and industry to fit your needs. In this BPM tool comparison of cloud-ready workflow management software... Business Process Management (BPM) Business Process Management vs. Project Management Whether your company is ramping up or you have been in business for many years, creating efficient workflows to accomplish core objectives should be a priority. After all, how you get the job done... Business Process Management (BPM) ProcessMaker V3.2 - Get Set...Get Ready... The anticipation has been building for the release of ProcessMaker v3.2 which is now only a couple weeks away. There is a lot of reason for all the anticipation. V3.2 is a big release for... Business Process Automation (BPA) How Companies are Saving Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on SAP ERP with ProcessMaker BPM Software In many companies, especially manufacturing companies, the biggest impact area of a BPM Software implementation is normally around the edges of the company's enterprise resource planning. To many... Business Process Management (BPM) Canadian Survey Says that 55% of Organizations Still Rely on Paper for the Majority of their Business Processes According to a recent survey performed by Xerox Canada 55% of organizations still rely on paper for their majority of their business processes. The study surveyed 600 IT decision-makers and went on... Business Process Management (BPM) ProcessMaker UK recently held our inaugural ‘Lunch & Learn’ event in Covent Garden, London. [ In the photo – from left to right – Ian, Tim, Geoff & James ] Tim Dunn (Managing Director) gave an overview of our company, with Geoff Smith (Operations Director) leading a discussion on... Business Process Automation (BPA) Automating your Engineering Change Order (ECO) Requests Engineering change orders, or ECOs, are written orders for changes in a product or process's components, specifications, or documentation. They're basically a way of documenting change so there's a... Business Process Management (BPM) BPM: King of the Management Tool Hill Business process management (BPM) is a leading concept in the field of work organization and process technologies - a field strewn with three-letter acronyms like TQM, TPS, and BPA. While all these... Business Process Management (BPM) 5 Common Mistakes Companies Make with BPM Software Business process management or BPM software has allowed organizations in every vertical, industry, and sector to automate manual processes, reduce error rates, cut expenses, and improve revenues.... Business Process Management (BPM) How Workflow Software Fine Tunes Your Business Processes Your business has workflows whether you realize it or not. Workflows are how business gets done, and they can be smart and logical, or they can be haphazard and inefficient. Think about how your... Business Process Management (BPM) Process or Data: Does it Matter Which Comes First? Which comes first, process or data? That depends on how you define both "process" and "data." In the real world, there appears to be no single correct answer. On the one hand, those in business... Business Process Management (BPM) How to Determine When Your Business Process is Failing You invested in workflow software so you could automate and streamline business processes, but sometimes these processes simply don't work out as planned. That doesn't mean that business process... Business Process Management (BPM) 5 Industries Desperately in Need of Business Process Management Perhaps it would be quicker to create a list of industries that don't need business process management. After all, what business wouldn't benefit from workflow software designed to cut out extraneous... Business Process Automation (BPA) How the Right BPM Software Can Make Your Business Better Whatever your industry, to succeed in today's competitive global marketplace, you have to commit yourself and your team to a continuous process of improvement. You can bet that your competitors... Business Process Automation (BPA) What to Do When Your Employees Balk at Your BPM Software Changing a process or system is risky. For one thing, there may be people who benefit from keeping things the way they've always been. For another, it's not always easy to enlist the support of those... Posts pagination Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 Next