Guide to Low-Code Automation


There has never been a greater need for immediate digital solutions to corporate problems. Even though they are critically needed, IT resources to implement these novel concepts are becoming increasingly rare. Further, traditional application development approaches are no longer enough in today’s digital environment.

Outdated approaches for doing business and accomplishing tasks are unlikely to survive.

Low-code will not succeed as long as it is seen as merely a new method to write code. To put it another way, low-code is more than just a tool for the IT team; it’s also a strategy for expediting change by including more end-users within the company.

Since every business had to adjust to Covid-19 in 2020 quickly, low code has taken on a vital role. Businesses must be able to rapidly roll out new applications at scale and automate processes and apps to survive and thrive in today’s competitive business environment.

What exactly is low-code automation, and how does it differ from other development solutions?

The use of low-code automation has risen due to a shortage of developers, an emphasis on hyper-automation, and a desire to empower business end-users. It’s a drag-and-drop method that makes program building easier, using a visual software development platform.

For instance, computer programs are often written in code built from the ground up by IT professionals, with all rules and actions specified manually. Traditional development has certain advantages, such as complete control and customization, but creating and deploying programs need highly experienced individuals in limited supply. However, when it comes to low code, the application is the process. Because of visual models and drag-and-drop features, low code is straightforward to use and understand.

In contrast to traditional coding, which might take months to develop, technology enables rapid creation. A graphical user interface (GUI) provides several advantages over a command-line interface (CLI). Because of the pre-built components, there are also fewer flaws and difficulties such as what you might find via hand-coding.

In addition, low code allows for some scripting freedom and breadth. Further, the platform’s features and capabilities can be altered, providing you with more flexibility.

What about low code vs. no code? Although low code is more user-friendly, no-code is much simpler. You may use pre-configured templates to help you get up and running quickly. However, if you use no-code, you can only construct things from predefined objects. When utilized for complex tasks, a 100% no-code solution rapidly displays its limitations. Still, no code should be used for small apps that must be delivered rapidly.

The two types quickly indicate their disparities. Because it involves less coding, low code development is ideal for creating complicated apps that are vital to an organization’s core systems and interconnections. When it comes to building tactical and straightforward apps, no coding or programming skills are required.

Fortunately, business users may use low code platforms to create, test, and deploy more impactful and valuable products, diverting their attention from traditional programming chores.

As a result, these platforms empower everyone, from analysts to office managers to small business owners, to meet shifting client demands through innovation and agility, even if they lack the technical experience. Apps developed via low code automation can also aid with operational efficiency and consumer engagement.

A change in the air 

The commercial world is changing as a result of low code. Low code dramatically reduces the time required to design an application. Drawing a flowchart is more efficient than writing lines of code since the platform generates code for you.

Low code development enables organizations to build enterprise-grade apps in weeks rather than months, as was previously the case. Because the low code effect decreases development time and technical debt, it reduces the IT backlog and gives developers more time to innovate. As a result, if businesses use the correct low code platform for corporate apps, they will adapt and change more quickly.

Low code will be the norm by 2022. The COVID-19 outbreak exposed several institutional flaws. Business models necessitated virtual processes, and off-the-shelf solutions were unable to meet the requirements. Due to their obsolete enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, they could not quickly react to the increasing demands of a sudden transition to remote workers.

Low code automation solutions, on the other hand, allowed organizations to adapt and adjust swiftly. Their example of using low code to tackle real-world problems prompted widespread adoption of low code throughout the enterprise.

How low code automation has evolved

With today’s technology, business processes may be automated to a significant extent. These low code automation tools combine RPA, AI, data, humans, and business rules to automate even the most complicated business activities.

This combination provides businesses with a lot of power, speed, and cost savings. As a consequence, your organization can realize the long-term benefits of digital transformation. Low code is continuously developing, with specific systems advancing quicker than others. Because each low code platform has varying features and capabilities, they must be classified on a scale.

Advantages of low code development platforms

Increase productivity: Almost 50% of all IT projects are behind schedule. Even more remarkable in today’s fast-paced corporate environment, given the rising demand on businesses. Nonetheless, low code automation offers pre-built connectors and other tools, which aid in the development process.  These tools make it easy for firms to create prototypes to test new ideas. Hence, developers are not required to participate in the testing and enhancement process.

Because of these advantages, designing apps using low code is much more straightforward:

  • Drag and drop capabilities, pre-built user interfaces, and data models are just a few of the elements that allow for the rapid development of full-stack, cross-platform applications.
  • Developers don’t have to waste time learning new APIs and connections because they’re already comfortable with the tools they’re already familiar with.
  • All changes are tracked, and database scripts are automatically deployed, reducing deployment time and effort.

Integrate legacy systems quickly: Do you have any outdated systems in your workplace? Frequently, they’re avoided like the plague. Often, legacy systems come with exorbitant maintenance costs and enlarge the organization’s technical debt. The good news is the right low code automation can integrate your legacy systems easily.

Embrace the multi-experience: If you want your consumers to connect with your company in the way they desire, you need low code. Gartner referred to this as “multi-experience.” Begin by creating unique omni-channel customer experiences that compete with the leaders without the huge expenditures or expensive development teams. 

There are also pre-built templates, automated refactoring, and basic chatbots to guarantee that all of your clients’ interactions with your company are consistent. When customers switch between different types of interaction and connection, they don’t have to unlearn or repeat tasks. Additionally, low code makes it easy to provide the best possible user experience to every one of your clients or team members.

Mitigate Shadow IT: Low code also impedes shadow IT, which is the practice of illegal business users developing apps for use in their everyday jobs without the knowledge or permission of the IT department. Because of the low emphasis on innovation for everybody, it is simple to pull stealth development out of the shadows. Business users may utilize low code development to adhere to standard practices and avoid common errors when developing essential apps.

Enhance agility: Business agility refers to a company’s ability to adapt and respond to market changes and new possibilities by utilizing creative, digital problem-solving solutions. Because of low code, businesses can adjust quickly to market swings and changing consumer and customer expectations. For instance, you can design cloud apps that interact with older systems to fulfill your clients’ needs better. Customers may connect with your firm in various ways due to the different platforms available to you. Microservices and containers can also be used with low code development.

Drive digital transformation at scale: Most transformation efforts eventually aim for automation or digitalization. Low code platforms enable you to create and deploy apps and processes rapidly. Taking the reusable pieces and templates from this method and implementing them elsewhere in the business enables replication. 

It’s also possible that your community developers will aid you in making the transition. As a result, rather than relying on the IT department, which is likely already overburdened with other responsibilities and expectations, business users have the capacity to design and automate their processes.

In conclusion

By utilizing low code platforms, businesses may save money, respond more rapidly to market developments, be more inventive, and gain a competitive edge.

Processmaker’s low code solutions include drag-and-drop capabilities, pre-built user interfaces, and data models, business processes, and logic. Get in touch with our team if you’d like to test and get a feel for the Processmaker platform.

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