How to Create a Leave of Absence Request in ProcessMaker (Part 2)

leave of absence

For today’s post, we have Part 2 of Creating a Leave Absence Request (if you missed the first part, click here first). This second video demonstrates how to download the assets uploaded in Part 1 and approve the leave request in ProcessMaker 4.0.

Leave of Absence Part II from ProcessMaker on Vimeo.

Below, we have listed the sequence of steps needed to download the uploaded document and approve the request for your reference:

Step 1. Log into ProcessMaker 4.0 environment by inputting your username and password.

processmaker login

Step 2. Go to the top left-hand corner of your screen and click on the Tasks button. This is where you are able to generate your tasks in progress.

click on task

Step 3. Select the “Leave of Absence” task to open the task. From here, you’ll see the Leave of Absence Request form with the necessary fields already completed.

click on request
Step 4. Scroll to the bottom and click Download next to the asset uploaded in the previous video. In this case, the document is a business plan PDF.

click on download
Step 5. Check the box that says “Approve Request” at the bottom of the form and then click the blue SUBMIT button to submit your leave request.

Step 6. After inputting the data, click the blue SUBMIT button to submit your leave request. After clicking SUBMIT, your screen will show a final “Task Completed Successfully!” message, notifying you that your submission was successful.

task completed

This concludes Part 2 of how to create a Leave of Absence Process using ProcessMaker 4.0! Stay tuned for our follow-up on Part 3 next Monday for how to continue this common HR process.

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