Leveraging Low Code for Digital Transformation

Leveraging Low Code for Digital Transformation

Most organizations don’t have a shortage of brilliant ideas—they’re just shy on the resources to bring them to life. But smart teams are using a new shortcut to fast-track their digital transformation initiatives. 

Thanks to low-code development, organizations can now drive their digital transformation efforts full-speed ahead. Low-code solutions help teams quickly build anything from web to mobile applications, all with relative ease. 

Low-code allows for faster development cycles, so businesses can get their projects up and running in days or weeks instead of months or years. This means that low-code solutions can significantly reduce the time it takes to develop new applications and capabilities, allowing business owners to focus on what really matters—their core business objectives.

What are low-code platforms?

Mention “coding” to an employee without a programming background, and they’ll likely envision a scene from Bad Robot or The Social Network, crunching out lines of hieroglyphics heavy on curly brackets and quotation marks. 

But with a low-code approach, the picture looks entirely different. 

Low-code development platforms look more like a canvas or whiteboard. Business users, like sales managers or marketing executives, can grab a button, form field, process starting point, or API connector from a pre-built library. Drag and drop it into the workflow, and—voila—a custom application or business process is in the works. 

Low-code interfaces are like a magic wand that turns symbols and syntax into blocks and objects. The user experience feels more like the apps non-professional developers are most comfortable with—like dropping photos or arrows into a presentation. 

What are the main perks of using a low-code application?

The benefits of using low-code solutions include:

  • Faster development cycles: Get projects up and running quickly.
  • Easily scale: Add components and features as needed without worrying about complicated implementation.
  • Improve productivity: Invite more skill levels into the development process.
  • Customize applications with greater ease, making them even more satisfying for your customers to use. 
  • Reduce development times and costs by 50–90% compared to traditional methods

The benefits of low-code are undeniable. With it, businesses can tighten launch schedules, reduce costs, and increase productivity across their entire organization. 

How do low-code tools help teams succeed in their digital transformation efforts? 

Staffers wielding low-code tools aren’t just trickling into digital transformation efforts. Gartner says these enthusiastic go-getters are rushing in, making up 41% of today’s workforce

These change agents don’t have a storied background in programming. 

Some just have a wealth of technical savvy. 

Others are departmental hot-shots fervently invested in driving success with the latest technology. 

These individuals, known as citizen developers, will be behind the wheel of 80% of tech products by 2024. Here’s how low-code rewrites the rulebook on business application development. 

Build applications in less time by going low-code

Tap into a suite of low-code digital technologies and watch development times plummet. Experts say low-code can reduce turnaround times by 90%. That means if a project took ten months before, low-code drills it down to just 30 days. 

Low-code tools make happier customers

In conventional, high-code IT environments, tight resources mean only super high-priority projects get greenlit. But with low-code, you can expand the pool of staffers able to pitch in on smaller asks. Businesses can create more dynamic and interactive customer experiences as they can easily add new features and components on the fly. 

The rapid output of low-code applications makes it easier for organizations to address user feedback and fine-tune without waiting for beleaguered IT staff to find free time. 

A complement to existing IT expertise

Your new squadron of citizen developers doesn’t mean it’s time to say ‘so long’ to professional developers. Quite the opposite: use low-code solutions to complement your existing developer team. 

Experienced software developers will love the help. The Wall Street Journal estimates that for each minor disruption—just one ‘pretty, please?’ ask—it takes 23 minutes for a worker to get back into the swing of things. When departments can handle their own lightweight requests, top programmers will be able to focus on more complex undertakings.

By leveraging both low-code and traditional development approaches together, organizations can maximize the benefits of each and increase efficiency across their entire operations.

Bridge the technology talent gap

According to one survey, half of employers are struggling to find talented candidates to fill open tech jobs. That means, high-value, big-idea projects are often left on the back burner with no one at the helm. 

By infusing your organization with low-code tech, you open the doors of innovation to a new groundswell of employees. Low-code platforms provide businesses with powerful tools—such as drag-and-drop user interfaces, built-in libraries of components, and integrations with external systems—to quickly build custom business processes with minimal effort. 


Low-code is the way of the future when it comes to digital transformation. It’s an easier, faster, and more effective way of creating business applications that can drive transformational change in any organization. Don’t let a lack of resources force you to shelve that next big idea—low-code development is the way forward for any organization looking to achieve digital transformation success.

451 Research: GenAI Impact Report
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