Success Stories: Finance & Insurance All Categories Customer Service Energy Finance & Insurance Government Healthcare Higher Education Legal Manufacturing Real Estate Tech & Telecom Finance & Insurance Iris Bank (Process Intelligence) Iris Bank sought to improve operational efficiency, streamline processes, and identify areas for automation within its daily operations with ProcessMaker's Process Intelligence... Finance & Insurance American Financial Network The primary challenges faced by AFN included a general lack of visibility on certain key workflows in its... Finance & Insurance Forte Underwriters For insurance brokers and underwriters like Forte that work with complex products such as marine hull and cargo insurance, understanding how employees carry out their tasks is challenging.... Finance & Insurance Process Intelligence for Financial Services A financial services company found €2 million worth of process waste while renewing their... Finance & Insurance Iris ProcessMaker Platform replaced the legacy systems and processes with AI powered automation and key BPA capabilities that resulted in faster loan execution and overall customer... Finance & Insurance Process Intelligence for Underwriting A global insurance company increased the end-to-end visibility of it’s underwriting process and found EUR 5 million worth of savings... Finance & Insurance The Redwoods Group The Redwoods Group is a socially conscious organization that operates as a highly specialized provider of property/casualty insurance underwriting, risk management, and claims adjusting... Finance & Insurance GTBank Needing to stay competitive in the market, GTBank adopts the ProcessMaker workflow platform. Today, ProcessMaker is the most widely used application at GTBank.... Finance & Insurance MN Bank MN migrates document management and storage to the cloud using ProcessMaker... Finance & Insurance CACEIS How CACEIS analyzes large quantities of financial data with machine learning through ProcessMaker... Finance & Insurance Access Bank ProcessMaker’s banking workflow automation platform allowed Access Bank to automate its various processes categories with minimal... Finance & Insurance Maury, Donnelly & Parr Inc. The ProcessMaker platform empowered MDP to reduce human errors by 75% in proposal generation. Reducing these human errors assists MDP in quality assurance, protecting the profit margins of its core... Finance & Insurance Co-operative Bank of Kenya Before ProcessMaker, Co-operative Bank was operating on a software suite that wasn’t able to deliver a comprehensive solution that the bank required. Co-operative Bank need to integrate legacy... Finance & Insurance Invex Banco Invex experienced several pain points before ProcessMaker. For one, it was near impossible to extract reports from the current platform. The platform also used satellite applications to operate the... Finance & Insurance Banregio Before ProcessMaker, Banregio’s process management, internal organization, and customer interactions operated on a blend of manual processes and minimal software applications. The lack of... Finance & Insurance BBVA Prevision AFP ProcessMaker implemented a system that not only digitalized the Technical Assistance Process (thus improving its efficiency), but also ensured timely assistance from the technical... Finance & Insurance Banco Economico Success Story BANCO ECONOMICO not only acquired the ProcessMaker platform but also retained our professional services team for modeling and implementing the system to automate the loan... Finance & Insurance Zagiel S.A. The company has implemented several workflows on ProcessMaker to automate its back-office business processes as well as front-office...