Invex Banco

Invex Banco
Banco Invex Logo Name: Banco Invex Sector: Finance & Insurance Employees: 632

Highlighted Processes

  • Credit Card Activations
  • Transcoding of Credit Card
  • Register of Clarification

The Problem

Invex experienced several pain points before ProcessMaker. For one, it was near impossible to extract reports from the current platform. The platform also used satellite applications to operate the processes required by customers. Invex also needed web services and database access to relay information to management. One of the greatest struggles was the long response time to customers. Nonstructured data existed for events registered in the system too. Invex experienced significant time loss during training sessions. All the call center employees required training to manage the existing system.

The Solution

Tecnoimplanta is an elite ProcessMaker partner in from Mexico. Tecnoimplanta developed a solution to address the Call Center pain points. First were the most time consuming processes and those with the largest business impact. The implementation involved connecting systems and people from different areas in Invex. ProcessMaker’s solution allows them to join all the applications on one platform. This includes everything needed for current processes executed by Call Center employees.

The Value Created

After implementing ProcessMaker, customer response time was decreased from 30 minutes to only 3 minutes per case. The Call Center increased its productivity thanks to newly automated processes as well.

In addition, data tracking and control has improved since a centralized data center was implemented. Better document management has enabled Invex staff to generate reports easily without paper-intensive processes. As a result, the cost of the keystroke charges model from the current system has decreased. Training for call center members has reduced, thanks to a user-friendly interface to design and deploy workflows without coding. Invex has also reported a significant reduction in human errors, meaning fewer penalties from the government during audit checks. Today, Invex is now an automated bank serving customers both in Latin American and the United States.

  • Saved annually an estimated 3,000 hours
  • Saved annually an estimated $100,000 USD
  • 90% efficiency gain in customer response time
  • Managers’ information is now available based on a database model
  • Cross-platform collaboration achieved through the use of ProcessMaker web services connected to various satellite systems

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