MN Bank

MN migrates document management and storage to the cloud using ProcessMaker IDP

MN Bank
MN Bank Logo Name: MN Bank Sector: Finance & Insurance

Highlighted Processes

  • Maintain world-class data security protocols
  • Save time on maintenance
  • Save time on maintenance

The Problem

MN Vermogensbeheer is a financial service provider with managed (pension) assets of €175 billion. MN supports sizeable Dutch pension funds with management advice, asset management, pension administration, pension communication, and insurance administration. To save time on the maintenance of its policy storage platform, MN opted to move to the cloud with ProcessMaker.

To store policy documents for pension funds, MN used an on-site archive that required maintenance by a team of internal employees. Updates took a lot of time from team members from different departments—reducing their available bandwidth to focus on core processes.

The Solution

ProcessMaker developed and manages a new, cloud-based MN Fund Platform as a central digital archive for policy documents, reports, and digital contracts.

Employees who work the MN Fund platform on a daily basis are thrilled by the move to the cloud. The platform offers a central point for exchanging policy documents and is available from anywhere in the world. Even when multiple users are logged into the platform simultaneously, systems continue to run swiftly and efficiently. MN employees have quick, 24/7 access to the most up-to-date versions of critical policy documents.

MN staff members like working with the simple, intuitive interface. Regardless of their technical expertise, everyone on the team finds the platform largely usable without instructions.

The Value Created

MN no longer needs to pull employees away from vital work to facilitate updates to the platform. Plus, MN’s on-site IT department can now use their expertise for projects that grow the business instead of toiling with daily database updates.

Due to the sensitive nature of pension documents, it was essential for MN that the ProcessMaker cloud environment could guarantee best-in-class data security. ProcessMaker’s ISO 27001 certification gave MN the confidence they needed. This globally recognized data security standard proved to MN that its sensitive client data was safe in the ProcessMaker cloud.

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