Revolutionize with Microservices Process Orchestration


Microservices came about as a natural progression from monolithic architecture. Traditional monolithic systems have become too time-consuming to update and maintain. During the Waterfall days of software development, a monolithic architecture made sense. In today’s Agile environments, monolithic applications are just too clunky and complicated. With microservices expected to grow globally at 22.5% between 2019 and 2025, companies who do not transition to microservices will struggle to retain a competitive edge. Now is the time to revolutionize your business processes with microservices process orchestration.

Monolithic Architecture

It only takes a single code base with a varying number of modules to create a monolithic application. The number of modules depends on the number of technical features desired. Further, the entire application is built on a singular system with deployment based on a single executable binary. There are fewer cross cutting concerns since the basis of a monolithic architecture means linking multiple components.

Monolith testing is not very complex, but entanglement makes it difficult for independent scaling or isolating services in need of upgrades. Monolithic applications are also more challenging to understand when new layers are added to scale the application. In terms of upgrades, a monolithic application may need a completely new re-code. And it’s difficult to break up tightly integrated applications. If you need to use more than one programming language, monolithic applications are limited. Moreover, it is a challenge to add self-contained third-party components and tools.

Microservices Architecture

Within the microservices architecture, you get a suite of modular services and components to facilitate extensive application development.

Microservices offer independently-deployable units that are organized based on business capabilities. Each unit is decoupled, meaning it can upgrade it separately without requiring a re-code of the entire application. Besides, microservices are as flexible as you need to be with independent scaling. So then, new developers only need to master the microservice unit they are responsible for instead of the full application architecture. When adding new components, you can scale each microservice separately. As a result, a fault in one module does not affect the entire application. Replacing faulty modules is easy.

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