Blog Filters Categories Artificial intelligence Business Process Automation (BPA) Business Process Management (BPM) Hyperautomation Intelligent Automation Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Process Intelligence Process Mapping Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Workflow Automation Categories Artificial intelligence Business Process Automation (BPA) Business Process Management (BPM) Hyperautomation Intelligent Automation Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Process Intelligence Process Mapping Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Workflow Automation Workflow Automation How to Get a Better Grip on Your Asset Management Process Asset management is a broad concept that basically defines how your business accounts for various types of assets, such as computers, tools, or company vehicles. It's important to keep track of how... Workflow Automation How to Create Approval Workflows Approval workflows can be incorporated into any type of business because every business has workflows whether they realize it or not. Approvals are used to ensure proper procedures are followed when... Workflow Automation The Easy Way to Improve Your School's Field Trip Request Process The school field trip offers both teachers and students a break from the ordinary and a different environment in which to learn. That said, planning and executing a field trip can require a lot of... Workflow Automation How to Get Help with Your Requisition Requests A requisition is simply a request for something within a business context. Generally, it's a formal request that has to be routed through a certain hierarchy for approval. Ultimately, if a... Workflow Automation How to Improve Your Staff Evaluations Staff evaluations must be handled carefully by all organizations, but in schools, there is often an added layer of visibility that requires particularly skillful handling of evaluations. In K-12... Business Process Automation (BPA) How to Make Your School's Student Discipline Process Easier All schools need disciplinary processes appropriate to the student population to regulate student actions and behavior and document when disciplinary actions are taken. While many minor infractions... Business Process Automation (BPA) Expert Interview Series: Nikola Stolnik for ProcessMaker "Most people view mobile apps from a very narrow perspective, automatically limiting the possibilities and not fully grasping new opportunities which apps offer their businesses. Apps are an... Workflow Automation The Best Way to Simplify Your Leave Requests Process On its face, the leave request process appears straightforward: someone requests a leave of absence, and then someone in the administration with the required authority determines if there's reason to... Business Process Automation (BPA) ProcessMaker Version. Has Been Released! While version doesn't come with many new bells and whistles, 150+ bug fixes make it the most stable version of ProcessMaker v 3.0 so far. If you want the new features of version 3 with... Workflow Automation 6 Tips for Improving Your Authorization Request Process Authorization requests are a fact of life in most businesses, and there are many different kinds. Authorizations may be requested for purchasing equipment, requesting paid time off, or reserving a... Workflow Automation 5 Ways to Streamline Your Employee Hiring The employee hiring process can be fraught with difficulty. It involves many steps, requires a certain leap of faith when you finally choose the right candidate for a job, and it's important to do it... Workflow Automation Is It Time to Simplify Your Customer Credit Application Process? Many businesses extend credit to customers through a customer credit application process in hopes of helping them purchase big-ticket items with the convenience of paying for them over time. When the... Workflow Automation How to Better Manage Your Authorization Requests Authorization requests are necessary in just about any organization for any number of reasons. Travel authorization requests approve business travel, capital expenditure authorization requests... Workflow Automation Is Your Change Order Request Process as Simple as It Should Be? Rare is the project that proceeds from idea through implementation without changes. The scope of a project may increase or decrease, the budget may change, or the schedule may change, and any of... Workflow Automation How to Speed Up Your New Employee Onboarding First impressions are hugely important, and you can count on your new hire wanting to make a great impression on the first day at work. Likewise, the first impression you create is just as important.... Business Process Automation (BPA) EmberJS Code Challenge: And The Winners Are... We are pleased to announce the winners of the ProcessMaker EmberJS Code Challenge! The winners were selected by the community via a public vote. Just to recap, here is a summary of what the... Workflow Automation How to Speed Up Your Expense Reports Process Expense reporting processes can be difficult to get right. On the one hand, you want to make it simple, so employees will submit expense reports on time and accounts payable can reimburse them... Business Process Automation (BPA) Automating your Engineering Change Order (ECO) Requests Engineering change orders, or ECOs, are written orders for changes in a product or process's components, specifications, or documentation. They're basically a way of documenting change so there's a... Business Process Automation (BPA) How to Radically Reduce Your Company's Paperwork For at least 30 years, the so-called paperless office has been "just over the horizon." But as many of you can attest, the opposite has happened in many businesses, with paperwork proliferating. A... Business Process Automation (BPA) Kicking off ProcessMaker 3.0 Training in London Today We are excited to be kicking off our London training today and to have so many great companies in attendance. This training is our 3rd training so far in 2015 on ProcessMaker's new version 3.0. As... Business Process Management (BPM) BPM: King of the Management Tool Hill Business process management (BPM) is a leading concept in the field of work organization and process technologies - a field strewn with three-letter acronyms like TQM, TPS, and BPA. While all these... Business Process Automation (BPA) Expert Interview Series: Bill Tomczak on IT Training for ProcessMaker If you want to learn anything about developing, you'll definitely want to check in with someone like Bill Tomczak, Director of Code at Open Source Training. "I'm entirely self-taught, writing my... Business Process Management (BPM) 5 Common Mistakes Companies Make with BPM Software Business process management or BPM software has allowed organizations in every vertical, industry, and sector to automate manual processes, reduce error rates, cut expenses, and improve revenues.... Business Process Management (BPM) How Workflow Software Fine Tunes Your Business Processes Your business has workflows whether you realize it or not. Workflows are how business gets done, and they can be smart and logical, or they can be haphazard and inefficient. Think about how your... Posts pagination Previous 1 … 35 36 37 38 Next