Webinars Filters Categories Banking Digital Transformation Finance Higher Education Insurance Process Intelligence ProcessMaker Platform Categories Banking Digital Transformation Finance Higher Education Insurance Process Intelligence ProcessMaker Platform ProcessMaker Platform The Future of AI Process Automation We're excited to introduce the newest version of ProcessMaker! This update features some powerful new tools that can make business process management simpler and more efficient. New features... Higher Education Ellucian Workflow Webinar Ellucian Workflow is powered by ProcessMaker. Visit Ellucian’s website to learn how ProcessMaker with direct connectivity to Ellucian Ethos, provides form and workflow automation to more than 200... ProcessMaker Platform Las 5 mejores estrategias digitales para sus importaciones en 2023 Nos complace invitarte a nuestro próximo seminario web gratuito sobre automatización de procesos de logística. En este evento, nuestro socio TecnoImplanta compartirá sus conocimientos y... ProcessMaker Platform ProcessMaker Platform: What You Need to Know During the webinar, our experts will provide an overview of the ProcessMaker platform, including its key features and benefits. We will also share some real-world examples of how our customers are... ProcessCon '23 - User Conference Editors Note - This page redirects to the event's landing page:... ProcessCon '23 - Developer Conference Editors Note - This page redirects to the event's landing page:... ProcessCon '23 - Partner Conference Editors Note - This page redirects to the event's landing page:... Banking Digitize or Die: A Webinar Series by ProcessMaker Join Chuck Nwokocha as he connects with Stephen Bishop, Chief Operating Officer at Old Missouri Bank, and Jordan Ennest, Deposit Product Specialist and Counsel at Compliance Systems, as we discuss... Higher Education Using Process Automation for a Digital Transformation of Transfer Credit Evaluation Bottlenecks in the transfer credit evaluation process is not new. But more institutions are adding online programs and recruiting from new geographic locales to meet their enrollment goals. Students... Digital Transformation How to Leverage Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) In Your Digital Transformation Learn how intelligent document processing extracts information from structured and unstructured documents such as PDFs, handwritten forms, emails, images, and... Higher Education Automate Your Transfer Credit Process Credit transfer is not a new problem. But the current pandemic has given the search for solutions a new urgency. Let’s discuss the right strategies, to help correct the... Banking Measuring Digital Readiness to Drive Your Top Objectives In this webinar we will explore how financial institutions can utilize digital tools to grow and... ProcessMaker Platform YouTube Live Stream: Building an Approval Process See how easy it is to build a simple approval process with www.processmaker.com. Please join us on YouTube, Tue Jul 26th, 2022 at 2pm... Digital Transformation Digitalización del proceso de aperturas de cuentas Únase a este seminario web en el que mostraremos las características en el proceso de apertura de cuentasen la banca con la plataforma de ProcessMaker y los servicios profesionales de... Banking Competitiveness in the Digital Account Opening Arena In the new banking arena, execution is key.... Higher Education Automating the Transfer Credit Process at Your School Credit transfer is not a new problem. But the current pandemic has given the search for solutions a new urgency. Let’s discuss the right strategies, to help correct the... Banking Putting Digital-First in Motion "Digital first" is a term used more and more frequently in today's rapidly changing technology landscape. But what does it mean and how can you execute a digital first strategy at your financial... Banking Best Practices for Providing Digital Account Opening at Your Bank The customer experience at your bank is paramount to its ability to attract, retain, and grow its customer base. In this webinar, we'll explore some of the best practices to follow when implementing... Banking How to Craft Your Bank's Fintech Strategy in 2022 Apps like Square, Venmo and Chime, and many others, have disrupted the banking world more than anything since the Internet. While these fintechs draw a greater share of the generation Z retail... ProcessMaker Platform ProcessMaker 4.2 Release Webinar ... Banking Transformación del procesos de Cobranzas para LA BANCA Únase a este seminario web en el que mostraremos las características en el proceso de cobranzas en la banca con la plataforma de ProcessMaker y los servicios profesionales de Auty. En este... Banking Innovation in Banking: Change Management with Digital Transformation In this webinar, we will explore the strategies to getting the most out of technology solutions, adapting business processes and aligning the people in your organization to maximize digital... ProcessMaker Partner & Developer Summit '21 Join our partner and developer summit to watch a series of success stories from our partners across the globe and the solutions they have developed with the platform in their markets, industries, and... Banking Innovation in Banking: Integration Essentials that Drive Transformation Innovation requires strategic decision making. Challenges often stem from the acquisition of various so-called “best in breed” products from multiple vendors into a cohesive workflow. ... Posts pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next