Automating the Transfer Credit Process at Your School

Automating the Transfer Credit Process at Your School

Estimations from the U.S. government’s General Accounting Office suggest that transfer students lose an average of 43% of their credits.  The credit transfer journey is so daunting and mysterious, that Inside Higher Ed once referred to it as the “Bermuda Triangle” of the academic experience.

But at many institutions, this process is fraught with manual bottlenecks. To assess an incoming request, faculty reviewers must review course catalogs, academic records, and program requirements to determine which credits will be accepted—and which ones won’t. This can lead to frustration, delays in registration, and possibly, extra semesters for students whose credits wouldn’t transfer.  A manual and ambiguous transfer process has greater implications than posing as an administrative hurdle. Empowering your school with tools to make rapid, accurate decisions on the worthiness of incoming credits can affect retention rates and your institution’s reputation—both of which have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Download our whitepaper for critical insight on selecting and implementing an automated system that can streamline the entire process by helping you manage your registrar’s office more efficiently and effectively.

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